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tv   11 News at 5AM  NBC  October 11, 2012 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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even cooler as we head into the weekend. 48 at the did you live. clear skies. no weather problems on your way to work or school today. high temperature will only be 63. the average high -- 68. take a light jacket with you. we will take the forecast all the way through the weekend in a few minutes. >> good morning. starting out with police activity as a travel near the kent marrows. closures.50, some westbound, two lanes are closed. we will keep you posted on that. otherwise looking pretty good on the rest of the major roadways. 65 miles per hour coming down 97 southbound through several apart down towards 50. having taken out ok at the fort mchenry tunnel -- everything checking out okay at the fort mchenry tunnel. if you want to travel on the west side, a little bit of a
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delay. 70 miles on the outer loop prior to i-70. we will check on that. a live view of traffic. so far so good. on the other side of the bridge on the eastern shore, watch for closures in both directions at 50. west side of liberty, so far running smoothly. we will let you know if there are any delays. that is the latest. >> new this morning, we are following a developing story out of north east baltimore. crews are on the scene of the death the morning house fire. >> is dotted around 2:00 this morning. -- it started around 2:00 this morning. >> in this overnight fire happen fast. this is an area of northeast baltimore just off of moravia
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road. five people were killed -- 1 adult, 4 children. chief, it was really dramatic when firefighters arrived. fire coming out of all levels of this building. >> yes. firefighters arrived on the occasion to a very dramatic scene involving an intense house fire that unfortunately claimed the lives of five people. a grandmother and four children. the ports of people trapped. it took a hose line inside to suppress the fire. we got to the second floor. one of our fire fighters fell from the second-floor to the force -- to the first floor into the basement. they're both rescued after a may day was called. other members perform search and rescue. they found the bodies of by people perished in this home. >> there were 10 people inside the the time. when you arrived, one person had
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to jump to safety. >> exactly. there was an adult man who literally jumped from a second- floor window in an effort to escape these intense flames. we cannot give possess enough how important it is to have and are the warning system such as your early small system. call 311. firefighters will come out within two hours to make sure your home is protected. >> talk about your firefighters. they suffered not life- threatening injuries. >> fortunately, they suffered non-life threatening injuries. they were treated here and transported off to bay view hospital. >> an hour prior to this fire, the was another one and of the southeast portion of baltimore city and two firefighters were seriously injured. talk about that fire. >> just after 1:00 this morning our firefighters at the the the first battalion responded to a report of a house fire.
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they got inside. would to attack the fire. it overtook them. a may date was sounded immediately. firefighters suffered burns -- second and third degree burns to his face and hands. they both were rescued. treated at the scene and transported to baby burn center. the fire lt. is listed in serious condition and the firefighter in stable condition. >> let's get back to this fire. this is less than half a mile away from the fire at the park view complex. that was caused by a molotov cocktail. any idea whether this could be connected? >> it is difficult to say but there are no details or eyewitness accounts or any other information we have to suggest this may have been the same.
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however, it cannot be ruled out. we have our fire investigators and police detectives perform preliminary investigations and allow their findings to take them where they may. if it takes them to the fact that there could be some accelerant or other type of combustible use, then that is what it is. >> taking so much. when we arrived, and we saw one person being rescued. we will tell you more about that at this tragic fire scene. >> there was a lot of magic in new york last night but it did not go the orioles way. >> talk about a heartbreaker. manny with a solo home run to center. at that point, the orioles went the2-1. bottom of the ninth inning.
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alex rodriguez was scheduled to hit but joe girardo put in raul ibanez who tied the game with one swing. the orioles have been great all year long but in the bottom of the 12th inning, raul ibanez again and again hits a home run. the yankees win by 3-2 in extra innings. pet has more from the bronx. >> the orioles with a 2-1 lead in the 9th inning. then joe girardi pulls a stunning move. theging raul ibanez tot h plate. before anyone to process the fact that a-rod was on the bench, raul ibanez was swinging away. >> he put a good spin on it.
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you have to give him credit. >> a lot dodd to my mind. -- a lot going through muy mind. >> it breaks your heart of we been doing great. cannot complain. things happen. it is part of baseball. >> the orioles find themselves in some what if -- of a familiar place. they cannot take game 4, their season is over. this time is different than what they have seen before but they remain confident that it will get the job done. >> the pressure is now on the vice presidential candidates to deliver tonight in kentucky. joe biden and paul ryan prepare
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to face off. both candidates have a job today. >> yes. paul ryan help to keep the momentum going for the gop ticket but joe biden was to turn the tide after president obama's debate performance last week. after days of work, the stage is set for the vp debate at center college. >> joe biden has been on this stage before. it is my first time. but what he cannot run from is president obama's record. >> paul ryan took a break from his debate are -- prep to grab an icre cream. joe biden will head to kentucky today. >> smart guy. ida's fundamentally disagree with everything he has to say but he is a smart guy -- i just fundamentally disagree with everything he has to say but he
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is a smart guy. >> they will lay out their issues of foreign policy, tax reform and medicare. >> i think we will hear a lot about medicare. senior citizens are a key voting bloc. >> if you are looking for debate fireworks, some suggest and i may be a best bet. >> for those who like to watch debates, the odds are much more likely you'll see joe biden or paul ryan do that the more mitt romney or president obama. >> the showdown could matter more than previous ones because the races so close right now. but new analysis shows historical the vice presidential debates really have not done much to sway voters either way. >> thank you very much. >> one of the issues on the november ballot is causing controversy this morning. achieve diversity officer at gallaudet university is on paid leave after she signed a petition to put a gay marriage
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referendum on the ballot. the school's president announced her leavitt and a statement yesterday. he says she participated in an initiative that some feel as inappropriate for someone in her position. that brings us to our water cooler question of the day. you think the gallaudet school officials should be suspended for the petition opposing same- sex marriage? you can post on our facebook page or send us an e-mail. >> it is 48 degrees at the airpor
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you disgust me. prove it. enough is enough. d-con no view, no touch trap snaps to kill instantly. no looking, no touching. d-con. get out. >> welcome back. 52 degrees downtown.
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it cool start for us. we do not expect any weather trouble. no rain in the forecast. plenty of sunshine. but you what to take a light jacket with you to start the day. 47 in columbia. forecast for today -- mostly sunny skies. a chilly start. only into the low 60's this afternoon. the average height is 68. -- high is 68. we will take a forecast of the upcoming weekend and check the weather up in new york. >> authorities in colorado will hold a press conference a little more than three hours from now regarding a body found late last night. it was found not far from where 10-year-old jessica ridgeway
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said. thus far it. two officials announced the body was found in an open space in a park. it is not yet been identified. >> to people are dead following the collapse of a parking garage. crews were still on the scene. two people were initially tracked but had been since rescue. students were in the area -- no students were in the area at the time. >> 5:14. 38 at bwi. the risk of house fires increases. looking at the most common causes and how to prevent them. >> the risk for a higher heating bill also increases. experts say there is no avoiding it this year. >> in addition to that fire, an accident on the eastern shore along u.s. 50. along u.s. 50.
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>> good morning. it looked a year morning commute. the one accident on the eastern shore -- east on 50, watch for delays. is it shut down at the kent narrows east exit. be extra careful in that area. closures in effect in both directions. traffic elsewhere still looking good. tonight far towards 53 moving towards 100, problems on 395 in howard county. 64 on the west side. problem-free on the entire
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beltway. sandy. . no delays at the toll plaza. he will find delays in the area of the detour on the east to ensure due to the eastbound accident. a live view of traffic. on the west side. still up to speed although building in the outer loop as you travel down towards evans and. let's get the latest on the buses and trains. >> good morning. moving along nicely on the marc train. light rail metro subway on schedule. the 16 is diverting due to construction. on saturday, the under armor baltimore marathon will cause major bust diversions which will start at approximately 7:00 and of the morning and go throughout the day. ride light well -- rail or the
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subway to avoid the marathon. back to you. >> beard still not out of this thing as far as baseball goes. if you're taking a trip to new york -- we are still not out of this thing as far as baseball goes. if you're taking a trip to europe, you should be fine. a good night for baseball. a little bit on till the side. yesterday when you were taken the train up, you have to deal with some rain. that will not be the case today. a front living off the coast. high pressure living behind it. another fact waiting to come through up in the great lakes. that one has an cold air behind it. saturday morning, our first
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frost of the season. temperatures in the 30's. plenty of sunshine. it will not feel that bad out there with the sun. 47 in columbia. 44 degrees in park. a little cool for this time of year but not that. high between 60 and 65. the average high is 68. sunrise this morning at 7:13. might be a little choppy on the water today. 1-2 feet for tide. 7 day forecast going into the weekend, it will stay quiet and chilly for the next couple days. 64 tomorrow. 60 on saturday. temperatures will start out in the 30's. probably our first frost of the season saturday morning. a little warmer on sunday. chance of rain on monday.
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>> it is national fire prevention week. when the weather gets cooler, it is a good time to remind families of the most common causes of fire in the home and how to avoid them. >> this demonstration at the consumer products safety commission lavishes out a small fire can turn a potentially deadly quickly. new numbers belize estimates there are almost 300 -- released estimates there almost 300,000 unintentional fires annually. leading to more than 12,000 injuries and more than $7 billion in property damage. the most common cause of house fires is carelessness in the kitchen. it into a matter of minutes, a topless back up groceries on a hot stove top can go up the in flames. >> never leave your kitchen
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while you are cooking. never leave anything unattended. if you do that, you can reduce that hasn't significantly. >> other dangers include portable space heaters which can become problems if a smoker and sparked to close the curtains. it is also a good idea to have home heating equipment and chimneys inspected by a professional once a year. it sounds simple but check smoke alarm batteries regularly. have a family fire escape route in case of emergency. >> that was karen this morning. >> get ready for some sky-high home heating bills. new developments in the fight over who pays for the worst offshore oil spill in the history. >> good morning. >> bp close to a multibillion- dollar step -- settlement with the justice department. -- this would resolve criminal and civil liabilities of the
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worst offshore spill in history. no comment from bp yet but they could be liable for up to $21 billion in civil penalties alone. bad news for those who like -- natural gas prices may climb 15% this winter. home heating oil may jump to record highs. propane and electric bills will likely climb with the retirement of cold weather. nationwide foreclosure filings fell in september to the lowest level in five years. the flood of foreclosures and the maryland also showing signs of stabilizing. your futures -- a little bit higher. back to you. >> thank you very much. the time is now 5:23. 48 degrees at the airport. >> what they are expected to
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show of what the mayor is asking officials to do in this morning's education awareness.
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[ male announcer ] combine the pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a qualifying pnc performance select checking account and earn 75% more than cards earning 1% cash back on almost everything. >> in this morning's education alert, new details about baltimore city schools. >> the mayor is calling on the district's ceo and school board to make changes. a state audit is expected to show a pattern of school system over spending and mismanagement. the mayor says the must bear responsibility for the negative findings. >> we have made tremendous amount of progress. that being said, i am sure that he wants to rectify this just like i want him to. i do not think he is satisfied. with the findings and that is why i expect he will be making
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corrective action as well as the school board. >> the mayor said the audit could impact the city's efforts in receiving state funding. >> still ahead, the latest on the developing story. >> overnight fire here in northeast baltimore claims the lives of five people, including four children. details next. >> religious leaders come together to support an issue voters must decide on this november. november. details on that and a
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fabulous but...when i add chicken, barbecue sauce... and cheese...and roll it up woo-wee! i've made a barbecue chicken crescent chow down. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin. >> you are watching wbal tv 11, live. local. late-breaking. >> good morning. welcome back. i'm stan stovall.
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>> and i'm mindy basara. tickets for joining us. >> a little chilly today. only about 63. a little below average. a lot of sunshine. it will not be terribly windy. 48 at the airport right now. temperatures a touch cooler than that in the northwest suburbs. low - mid 60's. it was a chilly as we go into the weekend. you might end up with the first frost around baltimore into the weekend. more about that later. >> your morning commute a little bit of a spots, especially on the eastern shore. fifties' down direction, closures in effect at the exit for the kent marros east breeze. some delays already in that area. if you want to travel south on 895, the disabled vehicle as
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blocking all south bell made prior to the harbor tunnel. that is going to create some delays depending on how long it is there. everyone should use for a mechanic or the key bridge. southbound 395 towards -- looking pretty good. live your traffic. an update on 50. sen. . no delays. -- sandy point. no delays. let's switch over to security west side on the outer loop. definitely starting to build from security. that is the latest on traffic. >> we are continuing to follow a developing story other northeast baltimore where crews are on the scene of the house fire. >> jennifer has been on the scene all morning. she joins us with another update. a real tragedy. a tough night for baltimore city
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firefighters. >> absolutely. before this fire started at 2:00, they had another fire working that started around 1:00 in the southeast portion of the city. we will tell you more about that fire in a second. but you are right, a horrific scene here overnight. this is a portion of town right off moravia road. firefighters got a call at about 2:00. but they revived, it was a terrible scene. fire coming out of all levels of this rowhouse. they had reports that there were people trapped inside. to visit the children. we want to go now to the baltimore city fire chief who describes what firefighters had to go through. >> a total of 10 people and in the home. five were able to escape. when the crews got here [unintelligible]
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we had a few firefighters injured, not seriously. >> we know those firefighters were injured because they went in specifically to rescue the children. they had reports of children trapped on the second floor. but they were up there, those fire fighters fell through the second floor through the first floor and into the basement. remarkably, those fire fighters are expected to be ok. but the tragedy here -- five people were killed, including one grandmother and four children. the ages of the children have not yet been released but they are believed to be small children. the other fire at a 1:00 this morning -- that happened in the southeast portion of the city. and that fire, two firefighters were injured. the fire is believed to a start in the basement. one firefighter received burns to his face, neck, and hands. the other firefighter was holding a hose line. that firefighter suffered burns
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to his hand. both were taken to baby. -- to bay view. one is listed addenda's serious condition this morning. half an hour ago, and the rest that happened here on the scene. we showed up on the scene and police officers were leading a man in a row handcuffs. my mind into a fire that happened about three weeks ago from a half a mile from here. a apartment fire as the result of a molotov cocktail. i was all the rest was a family member of someone who passed away here at this fire. he was simply distraught. they needed to get him to another location to calm him down. as to whether this fire was related to anything nefarious, right now please do not know the answer to that question. they are simply gathering evidence. reporting live, back to you. >> it is going to be do or die
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tonight for the orioles after losing a dramatic and heartbreaking game 3 in new york. they must go back on the field again tonight. >> they face an uphill battle to keep their postseason magic alive. o's fans in new york are still holding out hope. >> it was a tough night. yankee stadium. bottom of the tall. they end up losing the game after having the lead much of the game and then losing it in the ninth inning. we talked to a bunch of orioles fans. leaving with long faces, down but certainly not out. >> i am still proud of my team. it is not over. >> a little at a of the feed will be here tomorrow. >> tomorrow is certainly another
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day. the orioles not with the next two to move on to the next series. >> game for begins tonight at 7:37. pete and loel will have live reports about the day starting at 11 is at 5:00. more reaction later on in sports. >> a in commitment 2012, stood at the university of maryland college park will hold a rally -- in to mid 20 takoma students at the university of maryland college park will hold a rally. the dream at is a question for next month's ballot. if the law passes, illegal immigrants will pay in-state
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tuition if their parents paid taxes and they have attended maryland schools. >> it seems it is in the interest of these young people in the common good to provide them with a good education so they can become productive citizens. >> the state delegate opposes the dream act, saying the taxpayers are going to pay most of the bill. there will hold a news conference later regarded the act. the result of a new study suggests strokes are becoming more common in young adults. >> the company lead to a deadly meningitis outbreak may have operated outside of its state license. >> to not forget to e-mail us your answer to the water cooler question of the day. you can cheer response on3, on our first book page --
5:38 am, or on our facebook page. >> an update on that accident on 50. 50.
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♪ we were skipping stones ♪ and letting go ♪ over the river and down the road ♪ [ female announcer ] at nature valley, we know nature comes together in amazing ways. that's why we bring together natural ingredients,
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like dark chocolate with toasted oats, or sweet golden honey. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ ♪ i was thinking that i hope this never ends ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious. >> welcome back. 52 degrees downtown. cooler in the suburbs. a chilly day today. the trouble weather wise. we will see lots of sunshine. the temperatures will be maybe 10 degrees below average. let's look at the numbers outside the city. the forecast for today -- most as a disguise. start out with 40. up to 63 this afternoon. a little breeze coming out of the northwest, only about 10 m.p.h.
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forecast in a few minutes. stay with us. >> in this morning's medical alert, the governor of massachusetts since a link to a deadly fungal meningitis outbreak. >> new england, pending center made a steroid use it in the contaminated injections that has sickened more than 130 people. 12 people died. the governor says the company was supposed to fill specific prescriptions for specific patients but instead a big batches of medicine and sold them out of state. the company has not responded to that allegation but has shut down operations. health officials here announced in that case of bundle meningitis. >> in the study suggests strokes are becoming more common in young adults. researchers say -- look at first stroke north victims'.
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since 1993, the average age of a first stroke fell from 71 to 6 9.% of patients under 65 grew 6% between 1993 and 2005. >> the time now is5:42. still ahead, a bit of a letdown for orioles fans. >> more baseball to be played today. >> baltimore getting excited for the baltimore running festival. last year, it raised $1 million for charity. ribble talk to one the groups running again. details in a few minutes. -- we will talk to one of the groups running again. details in a few minutes. >> the latest traffic updates when we come back.
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fabulous but...when i add chicken, barbecue sauce... and cheese...and roll it up woo-wee! i've made a barbecue chicken crescent chow down. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin.
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>> weather and traffic together. >> good morning. problems to look at your morning commute.
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could this report. along 50, closures in fact have been reopened. the longer any problems there. looking good that the tunnels. disabled vehicles out of 895. that is gone. route 59 on the west side outer loop making your approach to i- 70. so far so good on 95 coming out of the northeast. all in the green from white marsh down. we recover from the earlier accident. no delays lingering there. a live view of traffic. 795 at selling its mills. traffic on the way from last a little heavier -- 795 at owings mills. traffic on the way from us a little heavier. now i look at the buses and trains. >> good morning. all the buses right now. 16 bus
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diverting. 311 and 61 diverting at charles and 28th street. due to construction. subway and marc trains looking good at this hour. no delays on the art -- camden line. back to you. >> a lot of other stuff to talk about going into the weekend. another big sporting event happening in baltimore on saturday. ava marie will walk us through that. or, run us through that. either way. what is going on? >> good morning. i am live at the finish line of the marathon outside the m & t is a stadium. lots of other races gone on that day as well. to talk more but the charity and back -- so much money raised for charity to out all the
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races. i have a team trainer promoted the maryland chapter. i understand to help raise maybe the most money of any one group. >> that is good news to me. i was not aware. this year, just over a huntington athletes have raised close to $225,000 >> how many people do have a debt of the maryland chapter running? >> just over 65. and our friends in the south have come up to join us. >> let me understand you guys are trying to do. your help and to raise money but also get people ready to run these races. maybe these people have never ran a race ever before. >> that is exactly right. we are a group of like-minded individuals of all the read fitness levels. we have people that walk 17 minutes malls give them run 7 min and miles. -- 17 minute miles and those who
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run 7 minutes miles. in maryland, it is account the base system. degette to train the people at least once a week and the coach will help them -- they get to train delays once a week and then the coach will help them. you can go to and put in your web site -- years ago. it is a great way to get healthy and make a difference. >> thank you. they will continue to raise money as they go towards the marathon this weekend. many other races will participate as well. wbal tv is your exclusive home for the baltimore running festival. watch it on tv 11 and online wher eyou can get runners tips, a course map and on air coverage.
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on saturday, it will be chilly out there. but it is probably better than being too hot. temperatures will start off at 4:00 a.m. -- start off in the 40's. do dress in layers. before they warm up, it will be cold. as soon as you start running, you definitely get a lot of heat. >> i am sure you do after 26 miles. you are going to be down there covering the race? >> i will. have a lot of people covering it. >> i think tom is running again this year. yes, he is incredible. thank you. appreciate that. big event coming up. in the baltimore this weekend. a big event coming up tonight. we are not them with baseball
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yet. if you're lucky enough to be holding tickets and taking it trinity york, this is where you can expect weather arrives. tonight's game, is to be a good one. kind chilly but no rain expected. 60 degrees at game time. by the end of the game, and temperatures will drop back into the 50's. a little drier than yesterday. if the to the tenant yesterday, the rain fallout you all the way up to new york. -- if you took the train yesterday, the rain followed you all the way up to new york. this morning, we only dip into the 40's. the winds were up a little bit. such a cloud cover out there. but the time we get into the beginning of the weekend, i think we will get our first frost of the weekend. keep that in mind. 48 at the airport. the forecast for today -- mostly sunny skies. a little on the chilly side. not bad. 65. betweebn 60 and
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7 day forecast -- into the mid 60's tomorrow. 64 on friday. 60 on saturday. morning low of the date 37. likely get our first frost on friday and saturday morning. 67 on sunday. >> thank you. 5:51. image of the decision was the orioles in a big hole in the als. >> where things went wrong and a look ahead of tonight's game. >> here is a look at last night's winning maryland lottery numbers.
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it's heavy lifting. you start with a democratic senator named ben. by getting bwi-marshall funding for new runways, he's helping us serve 21 million passengers a year, which helps keep 100,000 jobs that depend on the airport, and that means more cargo for more businesses and more skycaps unloading more taxis... welcome to bwi. ...carrying families with more luggage. thanks. it's like he's out here with us. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i approve this message.
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it's a rainy morning becoming a caramel drizzle. with folgers gourmet selections, you can turn any day gourmet. new roasts, new flavors, and a new look.
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you can turn any day gourmet. [monotone] she says, "switch to progressive and you could save hundreds." call or click today. >> 11 sports. >> good morning. the orioles were 2 of its away from taking the lead series. joe girardi did something he never does. the result -- a 9th in a home run from raul ibanez and another in the 12th. the yankees win game 3.
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last night were two rookies step up on the big states. in the third, ryan. deep into the night. 1-0, orioles. many machard -- manny machado. miguel gonzalez gave the lead over. joe for a-rod. raul ibanez keeps the game alive well jim johnson tied the game. in the 12th, same batter. raul ibanez leading off the inning. is is in the mr. october? miguel gonzales. separate simmer. -- it breaks your heart. >> with a good swing on a -- put a good swing on it.
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we have to give him credit. >> a lot going to my mind. but his move past it. looking forward to tomorrow. >> pete gilbert in the orioles' clubhouse last night. what a range of emotions from the possible thrill of victory to the agony of defeat. incredible game last night. in for tonight starts at 7:37. birds need to win to keep this season alive. sam smith n the -- he ties the game, scoring 2 runs. two batters later. coco crisp. a-s win 4-3. they force a deciding game 5 tonight in oakland. you would say it was one of the
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great nights in baseball history last night. the raving cowboys sunday. one of the keys to this game is how well the ravens offensive line play is against the very good balance defense. the market's wear no. 94 is a one-man wrecking crew. s have given of four sacks the last couple games. all year, the orioles have bounced back. they will regroup tonight. it will lay it on the line. if it went, the move on a play in game 5. i think a win tonight. >> coming up, the latest on a developing story. >> following bikinis in northeast baltimore. a heartbreaking scene. by people -- five people killed.
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>> checking on their morning commute. if he planned to travel, will if he planned to travel, will update you on the m as a pastor, my support for question 6 is rooted in my belief that the government should treat everyone equally. i would not want someone denying my rights based upon their religious views, therefore i should not deny others based upon mine. it's about fairness. this law does not force any church to perform a same sex marriage if it's against their beliefs. and that's what this is about. protecting religious freedom and protecting all marylanders equally under the law. join me in voting for question 6.
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